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Charts & Graphs

Charts & Graphs

A powerful visualization tool to easily create charts and graphs to display data on your website.
Free Plan Available
  • Easily add data to your chart
  • Customize the look & feel
  • Create and add beautiful charts in no time
  • Easily add data to your chart
  • Customize the look & feel
  • Create and add beautiful charts in no time

Charts & Graphs is a powerful data visualization tool that gives you the ability to create a wide variety of charts and graphs with exceptional customizability.

Data displayed on your website needs to be as engaging as possible so site visitors don’t miss out on critical information. Use Charts & Graphs to serve important information to users via an easy to consume and highly interactive data visualization. It's as easy as building or importing a dataset, selecting a data visualization format, and adding a widget to your site.

Key Benefits

A wide variety of charts, including 3D charts

Select the best chart for your data visualization from a wide range of chart types. You can get all the charts you need in one place: bar charts, pie charts, area charts, stacked charts, radial charts, spider web charts, radarcharts, and many more!

Easily create interactive charts from CSV files

An awesome and time-saving feature of Charts & Graphs is the ability to import a CSV file to create beautiful visualizations. Instead of manually entering the data in, simply import a CSV file every time you make changes, andlet Charts & Graphs handle the rest.

Update your charts automatically from a remote URL

One of the most powerful and robust features of Charts & Graphs is the ability to load the chart's data dynamically from a remote URL, such as Google Sheets, Github, or a specified endpoint. The visualizations on your website will automatically refresh and update as you update your remote data source.

Endless design options

You can customize an extensive set of options to perfectly match the look and feel of your website. You can add a color scheme, edit the axis copy, change the font size, and control the units of numbers.

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Supported Languages


2 charts,1 series per chart,10 data rows per chart,Column, Line, Pie, and 3D Pyramid chart types,Custom font selection
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$ 3.99 monthly
Everything included in the Free plan, and:,10 charts,3 series per chart,30 data rows per chart,Donut, Bar, and Pyramid,Automatic ads removal,Custom color,Custom font selection,Custom font sizes
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$ 6.99 monthly
Everything included in the Basic plan, and:,200 charts,10 series per chart,500 data rows per chart,Stacked, Semi-Donut, Area, Funnel, Radial, Spiderweb, and Radar charts,Automatic data refresh,Export charts to images,Image uploads,CSV to Chart converter
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$ 11.99 monthly
Everything included in the Pro plan, and:,1,000 charts,50 series per chart,5,000 data rows per chart,All chart types,Dynamic data url,Custom CSS
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